Atos North America | |
In May of 2015, Atos SpA assumed full ownership of its North American Master Distributor, Fluid Power Associates Inc. located in York - Pennsylvania, USA. With an efficient operation and growing revenues, FPA was acquired by Atos to serve as the company’s North American headquarters and has been renamed “Atos North America”. The company has skilled technical staff, advanced testing benches, and an expansive inventory to help continue the steady growth of market share in North America. With 25 distributors throughout the United States, Canada, and Mexico, the company has a solid foundation for future growth. By continually refining its distributor network and building a strong portfolio of direct business, the target for Atos North America will be $25 million in annual sales in the next five years. |
先进电液技术的发展 | |
新型Atos数字式比例阀是研发部门长期致力于比例液压产品与数字式电子放大器的集成所取得的出色成果。 |
集成放大器的新型TEB比例阀-基本型 具有强大的先进特性,在高性能电液技术领域无竞争对手。
TEB型比例阀用于方向和流量控制,直动式和先导式,TEB型比例阀放大器由模拟式升级到数字式,性能提高,且价格更有竞争优势 |
集成放大器的新型TES比例阀-所有选项 TES阀除了上述TEB阀的所有功能外,还可选流量/力复合控制以及总线通讯=高品质电液运动控制系统*的解决方案。TES比例阀的电子放大器可通过现场总线或Atos软件设置功能参数。 |
新型TEZ轴控制器 TEZ轴控制器由带闭环控制放大器的伺服比例阀和集成式轴运动控制器组成,它们易于设置,并通过PC程序实现任何电液轴的位移,速度和力的*化控制。 |
数字式伺服数字式伺服执行器 通过位置闭环控制及速度/压力/力复合控制,实现轴运动循环控制。它们是智能机器的核心单元,通过管路与液压系统连接,并同电气系统连线后即可使用。 |
全系 列模块化元全系列模块化元件设计用于满足先进液压系统给的要求: 不锈钢阀,全系列安全阀 - 通过TÜV认证,防爆型伺服插装阀,带数字式P/Q控制器的柱塞泵等 |
ECP - 加强型防腐蚀处理工艺 经过镀锌黑色钝化,阳极氧化,Geomet技术处理和塑封保证所有Atos系列产品在户外和恶劣环境中抵御锈蚀(可在盐雾实验中工作超过200小时 - 符合UNI EN9227标准)。 |