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点击次数:2019 更新时间:2015-01-07

德国DOLD安全系统监控诸如紧急制动、护罩门、档光板、双手控制等安全功能。这个经TüV认证的系统使用免费的SAFEMASTER PRO设计软件配置,该软件具有直观的用户界面,通过拖放(drag & drop)进行简便、低成本的模块配置。支持储存卡,方便将配置数据转移到其他系统,这使用户能使用一台单一的安全系统执行包括从简单机械到联网设备和高度复杂的系统等各种各样的自动化任务。DOLD的新型模块化和可配置的SAFEMASTER PRO安全系统,能监视您的机器和设备的所有安全电路,主控单元的输入和输出数量可以用扩展模块在任何时候进行扩展,使系统能以*方式适应不同的应用。SAFEMASTER PRO能满足PL e / Cat 4或SIL CL3的所有安全规定,并已得到TüV的认证。
DOLD bus modules-----DOLD总线模块技术说明书

Increasing complexity of control systems in machines and plants and a strong tendency to decentralization induced by an increasing use of inligent subsystems explain the boosted communication needs between control and peripheral systems in todays machine and plant control. Ever-growing data amounts require a high-performance bus system which is able to transmit large bulks of data between inligent control elements in a reliable and quick manner. 

Input and output modules (I/O modules) are peripheral modules of a PLC in the bus system: Input modules collect information on the processes to be processed. Via the bus system data items are transmitted to the control unit where they are processed. 

Again via the bus network control commands are transmitted to the output modules which pass them on to the actuators. Both analog and also digital DOLD bus modules for the CANopen field bus system are available. We also offer Suconet-compatible devices.

DOLD bus modules:
Compact, ideal for installation in distribution boards
Potential-free relay outputs ensure troublefree operation
One-stop offering: I/O modules fitting to DOLD CANopen PLC
Plug&Play mode: Save cost by sparing the sliprings for wireless transmission of multiple input and outputs
CANopen field bus system:
Wide choice from compatible devices from different manufacturers
Open standardized CANopen system offers independence of specific suppliers
High extent of reliability and fault tolerance
Fast transmission of small quantities of data
Flexibility by freely configurable parameters, e.g. address, transmission rate
Field bus system, general:
Easy and clear wiring
High flexibility of systems with respect to changes and extensions
Easy incorporation of control concepts in overriding management systems (gateway)
Save up to 40% of cost for projecting, installation, commissioning and maintenance

东莞市广联自动化科技有限公司 版权所有  备案号:粤ICP备2022089575号
地址:东莞市南城区旺南世贸大厦1号楼 邮编:532000 传真:0769-89978203 发传真请注明-梁菊芳收 邮箱:1013858782@qq.com GoogleSiteMap
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